+ Gaia DR3: ESA has updated the format of their Gaia DR3 data. Peranso has been modified to ensure compatibility with the new format. Support for
Gaia DR2 has been deprecated by ESA, and has been removed from Peranso.
+ NSVS: access to the NSVS catalog through Los Alamos National Laboratory appears to have been deprecated. We are exploring alternative methods
to provide access to NSVS data.
+ TESS: Peranso now supports TESS data up to sector 86 (December 2024)
+ CLEANest: the Phase values displayed in the CLEANest Workbench have been corrected. Special thanks to David Hollinberger for his valuable
+ The Peranso User Guide has been updated to reflect these changes.
+ Resolved an issue in the File -> Exit command
+ Resolved an issue in the Ephemeris calculator
+ We extended the AAVSO EFF file support accommodating for more variety in the comment line separating the EFF header from the observations.
+ Several extensions have been made to Peranso to provide full support for photometry reports generated by Phoranso, our new Photometry reduction and analysis software. This is further explained in Tutorial 14 of the Peranso User Guide.
+ Lightcurve Workbench: when adding a Polynomial Extremum, the Workbench table shows the properties of the Extremum (time, corresponding
brightness, etc). We have added the number of observations (N) used in the calculation of the extremum.
+ Internet access: in particular network setups, Peranso erroneously reported failure to connect to the Internet. This has now been solved.
In addition, the File -> Settings -> Miscellaneous dialog box now has an option to bypass the Internet access checks.
+ Minor bug fixes
+ Added features to integrate Peranso with the beta version of Phoranso, our new (and soon to be released) Photometric analysis software
+ The schema of the ZTF Lasair database has changed and Peranso now correctly displays Internet light curves with ZTF Lasair observations
+ When fitting multiple polynomials through a part of a light curve, using the LightCurve Workbench, it is now possible to calculate
and display the extremum value of each individual polynomial.
+ When exporting data from a Phase Window, Peranso now also exports the time (e.g., JD) value of each data point
+ When adding an ObsSet to an ObsWin and selecting the ASASSN csv format, you are now offered the choice to either import a so called
"precomputed" CSV file from the ASAS-SN website, or a "recomputed" CSV file. Peranso supports both formats. See the User Guide for
more information.
+ ASAS-SN light curves: fixed an issue with importing data when 2 or more ASAS-SN cameras produce an observation at the exact same time
+ The Mean curve values of a Phase Windows can now be exported to a text file (CSV format)
+ All text files written by Peranso are now saved with UTF-8 signature instead of UTF-8 BOM.
+ TESS light curves: TESS has recently updated the data related to TESS coverage/sectors. Peranso has been extended to support the most recent
coverage, allowing access to far more TESS targets and light curves.
+ TESS light curves: TESS observations are expressed in Barycentric Julian Day (BJD_TBD). Peranso converts this to (Geocentric) Julian Day, but so far
did not account for leap seconds corrections, resulting in a time difference of approx. 72 seconds. We have now included the leap seconds in our
conversion, working with Coordinated Universal Time UTC.
+ When an ObsWin displays an AAVSO light curve, the Info dialog box shows the corresponding AAVSO VSX information about the variable (RA, Decl,
Var. type, Mag range). Next to these 4 VSX fields, Peranso now also displays the Period value.
+ The AAVSO VSX info is now presented for each ObsWin light curve, irrespective if it has been generated from an AAVSO light curve. To retrieve the
AAVSO VSX info, Peranso uses the ObsWin title string as the VSX variable star name lookup.
+ Fixed a bug when adding multiple ObsSets at once to an Observation Window, using the 'change of value in column' option. The 'Wrong file format'
error has been resolved.
+ Small improvement to license checking module
+ Minor improvement to drawing of Obswindows for PC's with low-performance CPU's
+ Fixed bug in 'Plot light curve from Gaia' dialog box when entering the RA and Decl coordinates of the object in sexagesimal format
(hh mm ss.s, DD MM SS.s)
+ Internet plotting of ZTF Lasair light curves was no longer working due to changes in the Lasair broker interface. Peranso has been adapted to use
the latest Lasair interface and now again supports the plotting of ZTF Lasair light curves
+ Added support for the Gaia DR3 release (next to the already supported Gaia DR2)
+ Added the Conditional Entropy period determination method, which is superior to many others and is robust against common aliasing issues
+ Windows 11 supported
+ Added option to the File -> Settings box allowing to close an Observations window without asking each time for confirmation
+ You can now create several Observations windows at once by selecting multiple files in the File -> Open dialog box. This way you can for instance
import several AAVSO EFF files at once
+ When combining ASAS-SN and ASAS observation sets in one Observations window, period calculations only took into account either the ASAS-SN or
ASAS observation sets. This issue has now been fixed.
+ Fixed issue with trial versions not restarting properly.
+ In some occasions, ZTF light curves were not properly saved, making the observations invisible when loading the Peranso file. This has been fixed.
+ The SuperWASP external server changed its access causing the Peranso internet light curve plotting of SuperWASP observations to no longer work.
Peranso has been updated such that SuperWASP internet light curve plotting now operates normally again.
+ The Kerpler external server changed its access causing the Peranso internet light curve plotting of Kepler observations to no longer work.
Peranso has been updated such that Kepler internet light curve plotting now operates normally again.
+ You can now save contents of Peranso windows to a png (Portable Network Graphics) file.
+ The Help menu has been extended with a Registration Key information dialog box, showing your Registration Key, Hardware Fingerprint
and Registration Key Expiration Date.
+ The Peranso User Guide is now available as PDF document in French language. With special thanks to Bernard Candela for his efforts.
+ Minor changes to the Period significance analysis
+ Minor fixes to the Peranso User Guide
+ Added Internet light curve plotting for ASAS-SN
+ On certain Windows 7/10 versions, observations are not saved to the Peranso layout file, resulting in an empty Observations window when loading
that layout file. This issue only occurs with version We recommend to upgrade to Peranso at your earliest convenience.
+ Starting with Peranso version, we have modified the Peranso license protection mechanism, to drastically reduce the number of Anti-Virus
packages that erroneosly flag Peranso as containing a virus or malware. As a consequence, existing Peranso 3.x users switching over to
(or later versions) will have to apply one-time for a new (free-of-charge) Registration Key, before they can start to use this newest Peranso release.
+ The Frequency cursor of a Period window can now be moved with high precision using the keyboard. First make sure you have selected the
Period window of interest by clicking on it. If you now press the LeftArrow or RightArrow button, you will notice that the Frequency cursor moves
over a very small distance to the left resp. right. Doing so, you can position the Frequency cursor exactly where you want it. If you press the
Shift button in combination with the LeftArrow Or RightArrow button, the Frequency cursor will move over a slightly larger distance.
+ Peranso now supports the ALCDEF file format (Asteroid Light Curve Data Exchange File) as explained in the new Tutorial 19
+ When plotting a light curve from the AAVSO database, or importing observations from the AAVSO database, Peranso now
marks observations as Inactive when their AAVSO Validation Flag was set to either "T" or "Y", indicating they are discrepant
+ Fixed bug when saving Peranso layout files containing a Notes form. The layout file is now properly created
+ Fixed bug in Clean LesvePhotometry Report files, when working with fainter-than observations
+ Fixed compatibility issue with AAVSO Extended File Format files, which use 'Extended' instead of "EXTENDED" as #TYPE name
+ Improved the name recognition when entering a star name in the 'Plot light curve from TESS' dialog box
+ Added Internet light curve plotting for TESS
+ Fixed bug in Observation call-out box when displaying a date in decimal day format
+ Fixed bug when linear detrending an ObsSet containing fainter-than observations
+ Important stability improvement preventing abrupt termination of the software in certain conditions
+ Update of the User Guide
+ Added Internet light curve plotting for SkyMapper DR2, Kepler K2 and Gaia (DR2, EDR3, Alerts)
+ Fixed bug preventing the display of the local User Guide in Peranso
+ Minor bug fixes
+ Added Internet light curve plotting for Hipparcos, Kepler and SuperWASP
+ Added Tutorial 17 to the User Guide explaining how to recover the first terrestrial exoplanet from Kepler data
+ Added Detrend button in the Lowess Lightcurve Workbench, which creates a new ObsWin with Lowess detrended observations
+ When entering a Star name in a form, Peranso now also accepts - next to AAVSO VSX names - SIMBAD names
+ Fixed an error in Tutorial 7 (Harmonic order scan)
+ Added Internet light curve plotting for NSVS, Catalina Surveys DR2 and Pan-STARRS1 DR2
+ It already was possible to enter RA-Dec coordinates for Internet light curve objects in sexagesimal format. We have now added the option to enter coordinates also in degrees
+ The ObsWin X axis title - eg 'JD (2457000)' - is now displayed at the left side of the window, instead of centered, to avoid overlap with the Mouselabel.
+ In a similar way, we have also adopted the X axis title of Phase Windows
+ Update of the User Guide
+ The algorithm for extremum finding with Polynomial Fitting has been reworked to ensure that - for all degrees of a polynomial - an extremum will be found.
+ The Export to file of a PhaseWin phase diagram has been extended such that either a single phase or double phase export is done, depending on whether the user starts the export operation from a Single Phase our Double Phase PhaseWin.
+ We added the LOWESS (locally-weighted scatterplot smoothing) method to the Lightcurve Workbench tool to smoothen light curves.
+ In combination with LOWESS, Peranso allows to auto-detect outlier observations and to de-activate them in the light curve.
+ After renaming a Peranso .nper file, the file was no longer recognized as a valid Peranso file. This issue has been fixed.
+ When displaying and Extremum Indicator (Kwee-van Woerden) in an ObsWin, PerWin or PhaseWin, one can now copy the extremum value, displayed in the label at the bottom of the Extremum Indicator, to the Windows Clipboard. Move the mouse over the center of the Extremum Indicator label and click on the right mouse button. This will bring up a pop-up menu, allowing you to complete the copy operation.
+ Likewise, it's also possible to copy extremum values calaculated by Polynomial fitting (see Lightcurve Workbench tool) to the Windows Clipboard. Move the mouse cursor over the Extremum Cell in the 'Polynomials and Extrema' grid which is shown in the Lightcurve Workbench tool, and perform a right mouse click. A pop-up menu will appear allowing you to complete the copy operation.
+ Several performance improvements and minor bug fixing.
+ Phase window derived from a prewhitened Period window is now correctly displaying the phase diagram
+ minor bug fixes
+ Added support for the DASCH file format (see User Guide for more information)
+ Fixed bug in Prewhitening form - which was not taking user inputs into account - and in the Prewhitening calculation when Unit is set to Time
+ The X axis grid lines of a (double) Phase window are drawn such that there's always a grid line at position 1.0
+ Added the ability to sort Observation sets by Minimum X value (JD), Description or Observer
+ Updated the online and Internet Peranso User Guide
+ Fixed bug with the numbering of Period windows (appearing in the header of the Period window)
+ Fixed bug with ObsWin/PerWin/PhaseWin minimize & maximize behavior
+ Improved memory management to avoid unexpected crashes of Peranso
+ Stability improvements
+ Minor bug fix in CBA Report file import, in Registery Key validation routine
+ Added Event Logger option (only to be used upon request of CBABelgium.com support team)
+ Fixed bug with import of space-delimited 2-columns file through the Clipboard
+ Modified import of LesvePhotometry CBA report files, due to a change in the LesvePhotometry software
+ Peranso installer now offers the user to select the destination folder where Peranso should be installed
+ Several small changes to the User Guide
+ Entirely new release of Peranso with a multitude of new functionalities, all documented in a new User Guide
Peranso 2.60
+ Windows 10 support. This solves a/o the clipping of X-axis annotations.
+ Peranso now correctly handles AIP4Win v2.4 files
+Find Extremum (Kwee Van Woerden): algorithm has been improved producing more realistic error values on the calculated time of minimum/maximum, compared to the algorithm provided in literature. Spline and Linear interpolation options have been removed.
+ The Peranso User Manual has been translated in French and is now available for download from the website. Special thanks to Bernard Candela for kindly providing this translated version.
Peranso 2.51
+ Windows 8 supported.
Peranso 2.50
+ On some Windows 64-bit systems, The "hardware fingerprint" dialog box, that is used during the Peranso license registration, showed alternating fingerprint values. This issue has been solved.
+ Find Extremum : an error has been detected in the Kwee van Woerden algorithm implementation, resulting in ToM values that typically were incorrect in the 4th or 5th decimal. Special thanks to Christopher Lloyd and Gary Billings for notifying us about this issue, which now has been resolved. The Kwee-van Woerden method has been extended and offers three different Interpolation methods :
- None : if the light curve is rather symmetric and has a regular, non-complex shape. This corresponds to the genuine Kwee-van Woerden method.
- Spline : if the light curve is rather asymmetric or has a complex shape, then the genuine Kwee-van Woerden method will fail. Observations first have to be smoothed (interpolated). If you select Spline, then observations will be interpolated using a spline interpolation method, and the extremum will be calculated on the smoothed data.
- Linear : alternatively, for asymmetric or complex light curves, you may apply a linear interpolation on the data, before calculating the extremum.
Peranso 2.40
Several improvements have been integrated in this release :
+ Microsoft Vista and Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) compatibility : we are pleased to announce that the Peranso user interface has been adjusted in several places to ensure full compatibility with both Microsoft Vista and Windows 7. Examples : proper displaying of labels in windows without truncation, cursor sizes have been adjusted to keep their appearance consistent with Microsoft Windows XP. Evidently, Peranso continues to work on Windows XP as before.
+ Peranso now supports the latest AAVSO file format. This allows to directly import observations downloaded from the AAVSO website, using their "Download Data" tool. AAVSO files can either be comma delimited or space delimited (not Tab delimited). To import such observations, select the "AAVSO (>=2009) format" in the Peranso "Modify Column format" dialog box.
Peranso still allows to import observations formatted using the old AAVSO format. Select "AAVSO (<2009) format" in the Peranso "Modify Column format" dialog box.
+ Peranso now supports the latest AIP4Win file format, allowing to directly import data files generated by AIP4Win.
+ Significant performance improvements for Period analysis calculations on large observation sets (containing >30.000 observations), resulting in speed increases up to a factor 50 when working with very large data sets (containing >100.000 observations).
Note : we advise to use the FALC period analysis method on small datasets only (<10000 observations).
+ Add ObsSet dialog box : when selecting the "Modify Column Format" option, one can now increase the number of columns to a maximum of 50. Used to be 15 before.
+ The minimum 'Dot Size' for drawing observations in an ObsWin can now be as small as 1 pixel.
Bug fixes :
+ Fixed a crash in the FALC period determination method, when using large amounts of (>30.000) observations. The fix applies to the FALC Workbench as well.
+ An ObsSet with only 1 observation in it will now be drawn in the ObsWin.
+ Fixed a bug in drawing Frequency Cursor labels : labels are now drawn for all possible time/frequency values.
+ Various small bug fixes. E.g., PreWhitening function no longer fails on ObsSets with >100.000 observations.
Peranso 2.31
- Added ability to import CSV files (from file or from the Clipboard), that have a variable number of columns within one observation set.
Peranso 2.30
- You can now import multi-column observations, that are comma-delimited (so called "CSV files"), in the Modify Column Format dialog box. You have to set the option "Comma delimited" in the 'Free format' section of the dialog box. Then use the Clipboard option, to paste comma-delimited observations directly from the Windows clipboard, or use the File option to import CSV files.
- Bug fix in the Period Determination dialog box : when working with Hours as time unit, one can now specify start and end values above 24 hours.
Peranso 2.20
- Added compatibility for Windows Vista platform.
- Added Uninstall option.
- Bug fix in Properties dialog box of ObsWin, PerWin and PhaseWin.
Peranso 2.12
- Minor bug fixes.
Peranso 2.11
- The Period Determination dialog box has been extended with the Planetary Transit AoV method, a brand new and very efficient method to search for planetary transits in stellar light curves, invented by A. Schwarzenberg-Czerny.
- Peranso supports the AIP4Win™ v2 format in the Add Observation Set dialog box. Both the magnitude and magnitude error values of the variable are extracted from the AIP4Win file.
- Several minor bug fixes.
Peranso 2.10
- The Period Determination dialog box has been extended with the Phase Binned AoV (Analysis of Variance) period analysis method, designed by A. Schwarzenberg-Czerny. This method is commonly used by professional astronomers on a wide variety of variable stars.
- The Period Determination dialog box has furthermore been extended with an "Auto" toggle button next to the 'Resolution' field, that allows to force an automatic calculation of the scan resolution value (based a/o on the time span of the observations).
- Several minor bug fixes, and optimlzed memory deallocation.
Peranso 2.02
- The File menu has been extended with a command "Settings" to display and change global Peranso settings. It allows a/o to modify the number of significant digits used in displaying Time, Frequency and Theta values in Peranso windows.
- MagError values are visually represented as a 'vertical bar' centered around the corresponding magnitude dot in the light curve. The bar normally extends above and below the observation by the amount of the error. We have extended the Form tab of the ObsWin Properties dialog box with an entry "Half-size mag-error bars". If this toggle is set, the MagError bars extend above and below the observation by only half the amount of the error.
- Added function to sort the Observation Sets of an ObsWin by 3 possible criteria : the minimum JD (X Value) of each obsset, the Observer name or the Description. Most convenient is to either sort the ObsSets by Observer name, or following the minimum JD. The function is available in the Observation Sets menu of an ObsWin, and is called "Sort by".
- Added function "Write Summary to File" in Observation Sets menu of an ObsWin. This function writes the header information of all Observation Sets of the current ObsWin to a user specified file. For each ObsSet, the following information is written : Key (identifier) of ObsSet, Observer, Description, Min JD (X value) of the start observation, Max JD of the end observation, Timespan between both values, Amount of active observations, Amount of inactive observations, total amount of observations, and finally the word "True" or "False" to resp. indicate if the ObsSet has been heliocentric corrected or not. The function is particularly useful to quickly create an "observation log file" of all observation sets.
- Fixed bug in drawing of YError Bars : occassionally, the drawing of YError Bars made the Y axis range (min and max values of Y axis) abnormally large.
Peranso 2.01
- Peranso installation programme now correctly registers all Peranso DLL and system files.
- PhaseWin properties : when opening a v1.x Peranso file, the graph in the PhaseWin became invisible if the user clicks on "OK" in the PhaseWin properties form. This bug has been corrected.
- AIP4Win v1.4.x files could no longer be imported. This bug has been corrected.
- PhaseWin : the mouse coordinates, that appear in the lower right corner of the PhaseWin, normally are displayed in light blue color. However, if you now move the mouse over an observation in the PhaseWin, the display will switch to the color of the corresponding observation, and JD value of the observation will be displayed as well.
- PhaseWin : when exporting PhaseWin data, or copying them to the clipboard, the MagError and JD values are now listed as well. Each output line thus consists of Phase, Mag, MagError and JD.
- PhaseWin : if you click on an observation in a PhaseWin, the corresponding observation in the ObsWin will blink for a few seconds. That way, you can easily correlate observations in the PhaseWin with observations in the ObsWin.
Peranso 2.00
- Overview of new Peranso 2.0 functions.
Peranso 1.38
- Tingley's Exoplanet Diagnostic, that indicates how "planet-like" a transit event is, using only the transit period, duration and depth, has been integrated in Peranso's EELBS Info Form and in the Tool menu.
- Minor bug fixes.
Peranso 1.37
- Peranso now supports the "EA Solver (Wils)" method for period determination of eclipsing Algol-type (EA) binaries. It works on photometric survey data with only few observations showing the variable in faint state. The method is available through the Tool menu of an Observation window.
- LightCurve Workbench : extremum calculations now also show an extremum error value (time), that is derived from the residuals of the polynomial fit.
- Heliocentric correction : fixed bug that occasionally made an Observation Set invisible after an heliocentric correction calculation.
- LightCurve Workbench : if no margin cursors are set, the extremum will be calculated on the entire lightcurve, and the first minimum or maximum found, is returned.
- Add Observation Set : the Column Format dialog box has been extended with a check box "Linux file" to be used when reading in observations from a Linux file (which uses specific line feed characters).
Peranso 1.36
- Lightcurve Workbench : the Polynomial fit function has been extended with a "drawing resolution" field that determines the number of steps with which the polynomial will be drawn. It is just a visualization parameter, that does not influence the internal accuracy of the polynomial calculation.
- Lightcurve Workbench : when clicking on one of the Extremum overlays in the table of the Extremum tab, the Results values "Ext. at" and "Value" will show the X resp. Y value of the Extremum indicator. For Peranso files prior to version 1.36, no Y value will be shown.
- Add Observation set dialog box : fixed problem with pasting data to the clipboard at first time usage.
Peranso 1.35
- Peranso supports the ASAS (All Sky Automated Survey) format in the Add Observation Set dialog box. Simply copy the ASAS data to the Windows clipboard and paste the contents in the Peranso Add Observation Set dialog box.
- Peranso supports the NSVS (Northern Sky Variability Survey) format in the Add Observation Set dialog box. Simply copy the NSVS data to the Windows clipboard and paste the contents in the Peranso Add Observation Set dialog box.
- When adding observations to an Observation Window, by reading data from file, there is no longer a limit on the number of columns in the data file. The Column Format dialog box has been extended with the option ">3 columns" to read data from multi-column files. The first column must contain the time of observation and the second column the magnitude. All other columns are ignored.
- File Open/Save : the path most recently used in a File Open or File Save command is made persistent (if you exit Peranso, the most recently used path will be memorised for next launches of Peranso).
- Several other settings have been made persistent, such as all settings in the Column Format dialog box of an Add Observation Set operation; the unit (Freq or Time) setting in the Period Determination dialog box; number of significant digits in SignificantPeriodsTable; etc.
- A user can now hide parts of the Add Observation Set dialog box to simplify its appearance, using the small arrow buttons at the right side of the dialog box. These settings are persistent.
- Added a "Getting Started" welcome screen for first time Peranso users.
- Lightcurve Workbench : Fixed bug in "Extremum" tab. The "Export" of polynomial coefficients is now only possible for rows of type 'polynomial'.
- Binned Observation Window : when applying an heliocentric correction, the window is now correctly redrawn.
Peranso 1.34
- Lafler-Kinman string length period determination technique. Used mainly for analysis of Cepheid and RR Lyr observations.
- File menu shows list of recently opened/saved Peranso files
- Bug fix in reading of Peranso v1.32 files. Occasionally, Phase Windows of v1.32 files were not correctly loaded.
Peranso 1.33
- EEBSL method for exoplanet transit detection.
- Binned ObsWin (Lightcurve Workbench) : Y Error bars are redrawn after detrending and/or applying a JD or mag offset.
- Binned ObsWin now also inherits the X- and Y-axis extrema values from its parent ObsWin.
- Binned ObsWin : when using the 'Export data to file' or 'Copy data to clipboard' commands, the Y Error Bar values (stdev) are also exported/copied.
- Trendlines are stored/read from Peranso files
Peranso 1.32
- Period Significance analysis : Period windows now are correctly drawn when reading ANOVA and Renson windows from a Peranso file and immediately starting a Period Significance Analysis
- Changed Epoch handling for Phase windows : default epoch is JD of first observation
Peranso 1.31
- LightCurve Workbench : export of coefficients prohibited if no polynomial is selected
- LightCurve Workbench : fixed bug in drawing of YError Bars (binned window) after deleting inactive observations
- Fixed bug in reading of AIP4Win files when decimal separator for magnitude field is not a "."
- New dialog box "Frequency Cursor Value" in Period Analysis menu of a Period Window. Through this dialog box, as user can enter a precise value at which to position the Frequency cursor of the Period Window. If a Phase Window is associated to that Period window, it will be redrawn to show the corresponding phase.
- Info dialog box of Period Window and Phase Window modified. It no longer displays the dominant period and its error value, but the period and error value corresponding to the position of the Frequency cursor.
Peranso 1.30
- Lightcurve Workbench in Observation Window. This powerful tool allows sophisticated light curve analyses, such as data binning with error bar plots, polynomial fitting, extremum finding, etc. Find all details here.
- Ability to save multiple Observation Windows to one single Peranso file.
- Ability to store/read Margin Cursors of an Observation Window from a Peranso file
Peranso 1.21
- Ability to set the epoch value, used in calculating a Phase Window. The epoch value can be entered through the "Info" form of a Period Window (in that case, the epoch value is propagated to all child Phase Windows of the current Period Window), or through the "Info" form of a Phase Window (in that case, the epoch value is specific to that Phase Window, and is propagated to the parent Period Window, but not to any other Phase Window).
- Added file MSSTDFMT.DLL to the setup programme.
- Fixed problem in reading AAVSO file format.
- Fixed small bug in calculating start and end values for Jurkewich period analysis.
Peranso 1.20 and older
< Contents removed >

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Light Curve and Period Analysis Software