On some PCs running Windows 10, Peranso might look blurry, resulting in icons, menu bars, etc that are showing unsharp images and texts. Here is an example:

Whereas the normal look is:

You can easily fix the above by performing following steps. This needs to be done once, and your PC will then recall these settings for all future runs of Peranso.

  1. Go to the folder where your Peranso software is installed. This is usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Peranso3

  2. Locate the Peranso.exe file, right click on it and select the Properties entry. This brings up the below screen:

  3. Select the Compatibility tab, then click the Change high DPI settings button. That brings up this screen:

  1. Click the Override high DPI scaling behavior box and make sure that Scaling performed by: is selected and set to Application. Then click the OK button to finish the changes.

  2. Restart Peranso