This tutorial features a set of 105 science images of the High Amplitude Delta Scuti (HADS) star FS CMi. HADS stars belong to the Delta Scuti class of variable stars. They are characterized by high amplitude brightness variations caused by pulsations in the star. Brightness variations typically occur on timescales of a few hours.

To download the tutorial files, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Help menu, choose Tutorial and then select Download files. Follow the instructions provided here.

  1. After a successful download, the Tutorial files will be organized in a newly created Tutorials subfolder within  your Phoranso Documents directory. 

  1. Your Tutorials subfolder should resemble the following structure. In the CalibrationGroupFiles subfolder are 13 master calibration files, and in the FS CMi 20230329 subfolder is a Sciences folder with 105 science FITS images.

Proceed to step 3 of the tutorial.