Let's assume you obtained CCD photometry of a variable star and you use Phoranso to process your images. In the Report Settings window of Phoranso you can indicate the reports you want to produce. Tick the AAVSO and/or CBA report options. Then start the photometric reduction to create the two report files. Both reports will have identical contents, but presented in the appropriate format of the AAVSO and CBA organizations.
The section below describes how to import these reports in Peranso.
- Select Open in the File menu (or click on in the Desktop Toolbar) to display the File Open box.
- Navigate to the Peranso folder, which contains the LesvePhotometry AAVSO and/or CBA report file. If you don't see the file in the file selector, make sure that the file type selector in the lower right corner of the file selector either shows All files (*.*) or AAVSO Photometry (*.txt) or CBA Photometry (*.txt). Select the file and click the Open button.
In this tutorial, we already included two example report files, which you will find in the Tutorials 14 folder. They contain (identical) observations of the eclipsing cataclysmic variable star V2837 Ori. One report file is called AavsoReport2020-09-27 V2837 Ori created 2020-09-28 08 43 21.txt and the other one is CBAReport2020-09-27 V2837 Ori created 2020-09-28 08 43 21.txt. Open one of them.
- This loads the contents of the file and creates an Observations window (ObsWin).
- The light curve contains 82 unfiltered CCD observations of V2837 Ori by Tonny Vanmunster. We have manually 'tweaked' the magnitude of 3 observations in the report files to produce outliers (clearly erroneous observations). You can easily recognize these outliers in the above ObsWin.