Reads in observations from file, splits them in multiple Observation Sets, and adds each Observation Set to the active Observations Window.
The Add Multiple ObsSets dialog box contains following sections:
- Data source: defines the location of the file containing the observations to be added to the active Observations Window. Enter the name of the file directly, or use the Browse button to locate the file. This opens a standard Windows File Open dialog box, used for selecting a single file. The Windows Clipboard can not be used in the Add Multiple ObsSets command.
You can select between two methods to determine how to distinguish between consecutive observation sets in the file, i.e. Peranso offers two criteria to indicate the start of a new observation set based either on a Time gap or a Column value change.
- Time gap split: a new observation set is started if the time gap between consecutive observations in the file is larger than or equal to the value expressed in the text box.
Next select Two columns to indicate that your file consists of a column with time values and column with brightness values. Or select Three columns to indicate that your file consists of a column with time values, a column with brightness values and a column with brightness error values.
- Column value change split: a new observation set is started if a change of value is detected in the indicated column (either the third or fourth column).
Next select Three columns to indicate that your file consists of a column with time values, a column with brightness values and a third free-format column. Or select Four columns to indicate that your file consists of a column with time values, a column with brightness values, a column with brightness error values and a fourth free-format column.
- Skip first rows: select this option if the file contains a number of starting comment lines (‘rows’), that you want to skip during import. Indicate the amount of comment lines to be skipped in the up-down field.
- Skip rows starting with: select this option to skip lines ('rows') in the file that start with a specific string. Enter the string in the text box of this field. All lines starting with that string will be ignored during import.
- Heliocentric corrected: enable this check box if the observations in the file already have been heliocentric corrected before import.
- Delimiter: use this field to select the delimiter symbol which is used to separate columns in the file.
- Click the OK button to add the observation sets to the active Observations Window. Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box without further action.