
  1. The Miscellaneous tab is shown below

  2. Mouse cursor size allows users to select the size of the mouse cursor used in FITS Windows and Light Curve windows. Five choices are available: XSmall, Small, Medium, Large and XLarge.

  3. ID Cards Synchronization folder: see this section for more information.

  4. Phoranso ensures consistent FWHM measurements by using a proprietary algorithm1 instead of relying on values from solvers, which often produce discrepancies. 

    FWHM measurements are performed when a user opens a FITS image interactively, or during photometry if an aperture photometry ringset is used where the star aperture is based on the average FWHM value of the image.

    FWHM calculations are CPU-intensive. To ensure best performance, Phoranso leverages multi-threading technology, utilizing all available CPU cores. However, if you are working on a slower PC, this computational demand can still impact performance. In such cases, we recommend limiting the FWHM calculations to a subset of extracted stars. Enabling the Optimize FWHM calculations by using up to <nbr> stars option instructs Phoranso to calculate FWHM values for a subset of stars, significantly improving processing speed, without trading in on accuracy. If this option is not enabled, FWHM values will be calculated for all extracted stars.

    To set an optimal star limit, click the Star limit suggestion button. Phoranso will analyze your PC's configuration and suggest an upper limit for the number of stars to use in the FWHM calculations.

    From practical experiences by testing on a slow PC, a Star limit of 150-200 stars still produces highly accurate average image FWHM values. By focusing on this subset, you can achieve perfect results while minimizing computational overhead.

1 Phoranso incorporates its own FWHM fitting process, modeling star profiles with an anisotropic Moffat function. It uses the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to calculate the Moffat function parameters, which then finally are used for the FWHM calculation.